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Braslav Lakes and Yodishki Farm

Браславские озера и хутор Ёдишки
Each country has an "informal" name. You can say: Belarus or you can use the metaphors "the blue-eyed country", "the land of lakes".

These comparisons are entirely true if you come to Braslav Lakes.

The glacier worked hard on the local picturesque landscapes. Thus, considerable uplands and hills, from which you'll be able to admire stunning views, appeared in absolutely flat Belarus. Hundreds of lakes are connected by narrow streams forming a fantastic blue lace.

The Braslavs are sometimes compared to a necklace, where the lakes are beads. And the "beads" are all different. With rugged shores, peninsulas, bays, and gulfs. Their shapes are bizarre.

But there are exceptions. For example, the perfectly round Lake “Devil's Eye”. Hardly have the tourists heard the name of the lake they run at top speed from every corner around to hear another legend. Here is a spoiler: it will take a long time to listen to them. Because there are hundreds of lakes in the surroundings, and each has its own story. It is better to appoint a special evening for mysterious fairy-tales. In a good company. By a campfire.

Gardening, agro-fitness, in a word, total downshifting and mental upgrade are waiting for you at the farmstead "Yodishki Farm".

Rural life in Yodishki is not a fake. You will have to work hard. Yes, you may be invited to dig a seedbed. Then – to water the plants. After that – to rake the grass. And, finally, you have to take care of the pets.

Are you stressed out ? Take it easy! These are just some options for fun. The experience is unforgettable! Especially from communicating with the pets! And when you start cooking dinner from organic products you've just picked, it's a great pleasure.

See also

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