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Palace in Kossovo and Historic House Museum of Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Дворец Пусловских и усадьба Тадеуша Костюшко
Close your eyes. Imagine you have your own palace. Let your fantasy run wild. Then describe the palace. What does it like?

You won’t even notice when you start to talk about the Palace in Kosovo. It's also called "the knight's dream". Miniature. Airy-fairy. Romantic. With charming towers. It would definitely be suitable for a Disney rebranding.

When one looks at this palace, one just wants to sit on the palace's cozy balcony and to recharge oneself with the energy of the peaceful scenery that surrounds one.

There is a beautiful legend. The front hall of the palace had a glass floor under which the inhabitants of the deep sea swam. But what is known for sure is that there were "coloured halls" in the palace - White, Black and Pink.

Life is full of contrasts. The exact opposite of the airy Kossovski Palace is the modest, squat, reed-roofed house not far away. Tadeusz Kosciuszko was born here. He is considered a national hero in Belarus, Poland, France and the USA. By the way, the highest point in Australia is named after him.

The lives of great people are studied extensively, yet remain wrapped in a shroud of mystery. The interest in the personality of Tadeusz Kościuszko never fades away. All you have to do is to visit the Historic House Museum personally, to consider all the facts and decide what your attitude to this man is?

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