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Motol - Bezdezh – Strelno

Мотоль – Бездеж – Стрельно
Is it really a village? The agro-town of Motol will impress you with its wide streets, well-kept squares and well-developed infrastructure. Rather like a town. Motol used to be home to many Jews (even Israel's first president, Charles Weizmann, was from here), so perhaps that's why there have always been more entrepreneurs than peasants.

Thanks to the creativity of today's residents of Motol the most famous gastronomic festival in Belarus - Motolskiye Prysmaki was organized here. The slogan: "Big Mac is jealous of the taste of Motol’s prysmaks!" sounds like a challenge to the endless snacks and fast food in the cities of the 21st century.

Do you like challenges? Catch a "gastronomic extreme" at the festival. Will you manage to eat pickles with honey?

Not far away a unique apron museum is located in small Bezdezh. More than 300 handmade aprons, and the ornaments are never repeated. The apron museum in Bezdezh is interactive. But it's not about technologies and innovations, it’s about people full of enthusiasm who will tell you the stories of local masters, teach you how to weave at the loom and invite you to try on traditional attire. Plus one photo for your Instagram!

Upon arrival at the herbal medicine centre in the village of Strelno, go straight up to the attic, to "Granny's room". Pick up some paper and a pencil. There's no wifi, you won't be able to make notes in a Google-Doc. But you can't go out without rewritten herbal recipes!

It is dark and windy in the attic. Lots of plants are hung under the ceiling. Dense herbal fragrance surrounds you from head to toe. So, this unusual atmosphere makes you believe that the herbs can heal, protect and even predict the future.

Do you think they're stuck in the past here? Just a minute. After a workshop on herbs with elements of coaching (the local grannies will set you on the right path), we go down to the herb-bar and the next thing on the programme is herb-hunting.

See also

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